Alkaram Studio sale offer on women's Collection with 20 Percent off offer for Ladies with prices Alkaram Studio sale offer on women's Collection with 20 Percent off Discount offer on lawn cotton suits & full and half sleeves dresses for 2016 with amazing designs will be thumped at style entryway on this Season.Alkaram presents a sizzling new mix of eastern configuration convention furthermore some tasteful new colors pattern.on its lawn and cotton print kuti’s and suits with special sell offer This pattern was imprinted on rich fabrics by utilizing wonderful blur and resistance printing designs like hand made material creation.
Discount 20 % off on Each suit
Original Price are 2,690/= and higher
Price of Replica starts from 2,152/=
Whatsapp : 03082529395
Email : 30skhans@yahoo.com
delivery charges also apply
Alkaram Studion sale offer on Women's Suits 20% off with prices
Reviewed by imran ahmed
1:27 AM

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